A cidade Interpretada
- Qué facer coas nosas prazas?
13rd Setember 2006 - 26th November 2006
Santiago de Compostela,
Public Space
The Culture Council from Santiago de Compostela developed an artistic international proyect to be installed in eight points of the city in the outum 2006. Eight artists: two galician and six international selected by Pablo Fanego opened debates and reflexion about public spaces and their uses as encounter point, trying to look with new eyes everyday enviroment.
They were interventions in different spaces: the little street "rúa das Hortas" (the eslovenian artist Apolonja Sustersic made a counterpoint to the Cidade da Cultura), Praza de Cervantes (the british artist Nathan Coley thinking over the power of belief in the actual society through a structure similar to a church and the video work "A síndrome de Xerusalén"), the Granell Fundation, placed in the Pazo de Bendaña constructing a minaret by the galician artist Jorge Barbi, a shooting star by belgian artist Germaine Kruip in Alameda, to think about the intersubjectitivy and a reflection about encounter spaces by the galician artist Carme Nogueira, woriking in two different spaces: the traditional place: Cruceiro de San Pedro and the artificial one: Parque da Trisca.
All the interventions were temporal and ephemeral. The were installed in two phses: the first one with the formed five artists and the second one, from 8th november to 17th december, with the portugues artist Andrés Guedes in Praza do Obradoiro and Praza de Mazarelos, the esloveninan artist Roman Ondák in Fonseca and finally the austrian artits Hans Schabus in Ferradura.
The project was done with the help of COAG, CGAC, British Council, Instituto das Artes de Portugal, Consorcio, Fundação Calouste Gulbekian, Fundação Luso-Americana, Ministério de Cultura portugués, Concellaría de Rehabilitación, Casco Histórico e Centros Socioculturaisand Mondriaan Stichting.
Auditorio de Galicia