Contenedor de feminismos en Coruña

Docu-action and device produced by Casa Museo Emilia Pardo Bazán on the occassion of the program "Contra vento e Marea", 2009


The second docu-action took place in Obelisco, A Coruña, on september 2009. We meet Nanina Santos, Chicha, Aurora Abascal and Ana Arellano, women who were actively implicated in the discussions of the Asambleas de Mujeres in A Coruña and Santiago de Compostela late 70. we remembered the history of the Gay Pride in Galicia. The first of them took place in Vigo. We also spoke about the feminist movement, specially about the questions around visibility and lesbic sexuality.

Some days afther, "Contenedor de Feminismos" was installed in Cantones. A guide took care of the device, explaining the materials disposed therein. Some of them were related to the first docu-action: the women work struggles in Vilagarcía de Arousa. There also were some fancines made by Carme Nogueira from written, newspapers, pictures and documentation of the events. An important parto of the material was restored original material about “Odosa” factory: a documental made by the workers in the 80 and a compilation of photographic and press material.



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