Cuaderno Escolar
- Vida Hurdana
“Cuaderno Escolar” is the result of a Residency at Bulegoa z/b in 2017. This project worked in-between different fields: investigation, error test, pedagogical experience and art production. The final publication is the expression of all these different layers. It is an object, the result of a learning process and a reflexion about a pedagogical practice. The project consisted on my learning process in parallel to the children´s one. The difference between the drawing and its print (reproduction) was the object of the study.
The residency was organized in two phases. The first one was a documentation process about some pedagogical experiencies leaded by José Antonio Sistiaga and Esther Ferrer that took place in the Basque Country in the 60th. Bulegoa put me in contact with Mikel Onandia, an expert in this field. As the children themselves were the subject of the investigation, Mikel explained to them some facts and histories about these experiences. They attended to the explanation and previously they have done some free drawing. These free drawings were the basis for the booklet. After Onandia´s talk, the children made some small texts.
The booklet is a reflexion made by the children about the practice of drawing. It is not academic and there are not conclusions. It is not a scholarly work. But the text and the reproduction of the drawings express very well the essence of these pedagogical theories and the process of learning. Learning from their own drawings.
The experience of the residency took as starting point the project "Vida Hurdana", in which I worked with the production of texts and images from pedagogical experiences. In that case, the text and its different ways of printing were the main focus and the drawings appointed some questions that i wanted to developed in the future. This is why I worked in this booklet trying to approach not only the Freinet Method but also the space between the free drawing and its reproduction in the booklet.
I want to thank Bulegoa z/b, Mikel Onandia, the children and Maite (La Taller) for their generosity and inspiring work.
“Everyone has their own passion” Dare / “I like painting, why do I like? I like to paint strange bodies. But what I like most is that the drawnings come out my head.” Nue